Global { edge = bottom allign = center margin = 48 widthtype = pixel width = 1824 height = 52 transparent = true tintcolor = black alpha = 77 setdocktype = true setpartialstrut = true autohide = false heightWhenHidden = 2 roundcorners = true roundcornersradius = 7 layer = above MaxElemHeight = 24 setlayer = false } Plugin { type = space config { size = 2 } } Plugin { type = menu config { image = /usr/share/pixmaps/debian-logo.png IconSize = 22 menu { name = Notatki icon = fbpanel-notes dir { path = ~/NOTATKI action = kwrite UseDesktopFiles = true URLaction = konqueror EDITaction = kwrite icon = fbpanel-notes-file subdiricon = fbpanel-notes-subdir } separator { } item { name = New entry icon = action = sh -c "cd ~/NOTATKI; exec kwrite" } } menu { name = Zakładki icon = fbpanel-bookmark dir { path = ~/BOOKMARKS action = kwrite UseDesktopFiles = true URLaction = konqueror EDITaction = kwrite icon = fbpanel-bookmark-file subdiricon = fbpanel-bookmark-subdir } } separator { } menu { name = Applications icon = fbpanel-apps systemmenu { } } item { name = Terminal icon = fbpanel-terminal action = xterm } separator { } menu { name = Actions icon = fbpanel-actions item { name = Shutdown icon = fbpanel-halt action = sudo shutdown -h now } item { name = Reboot icon = fbpanel-reboot action = sudo shutdown -r now } separator { } item { name = Disable Display icon = fbpanel-screen-disable action = xset dpms force off } item { name = Lock Display icon = fbpanel-screen-lock action = slock } item { name = logout icon = fbpanel-logout action = /usr/lib/fbpanel/fbpanel/xlogout } separator { } item { name = Rebuild menu icon = fbpanel-refresh rebuildmenu = } } item { name = Run command icon = fbpanel-run action = grun } } } Plugin { type = runbox config { show = none icon = fbpanel-run HistorySize = 20 HistoryFile = ~/.config/fbpanel/run.history } } Plugin { type = space config { size = 10 } } Plugin { type = launchbar config { button { icon = fbpanel-konqueror tooltip = Konqueror action = } button { icon = fbpanel-iceweasel tooltip = Firefox action = firefox } button { icon = fbpanel-text-editor tooltip = Text Editor action = kwrite } button { icon = fbpanel-volume tooltip = Volume Control action = pavucontrol } button { icon = fbpanel-calculator tooltip = Calculator action = xterm -e python3 -ic 'from math import *' } button { icon = fbpanel-terminal tooltip = Terminal action = xterm } button { icon = fbpanel-run tooltip = Run ... action = grun } } } Plugin { type = space config { size = 10 } } Plugin { type = pager config { showwallpaper = true ShowNamesInPager = true ShowNamesInTooltip = true NamesHeight = 12 NamesFmt = %s NamesBackgroundNormal = #cccccc NamesBackgroundActive = #808080 ShowIcon = true IconSize = 24 IconMinSize = 8 } } Plugin { type = space config { size = 10 } } Plugin { type = taskbar expand = true config { ShowIconified = true ShowMapped = true ShowAllDesks = false tooltips = true IconsOnly = false MaxTaskWidth = 150 } } Plugin { type = space config { size = 10 } } Plugin { type = mem2 config { MemColor = #990000 } } Plugin { type = cpu config { Color = green } } Plugin { type = net expand = false padding = 0 config { interface = enp1s0 TxLimit = 20 RxLimit = 190 TxColor = violet RxColor = blue } } Plugin { type = space config { size = 5 } } Plugin { type = clip config { icon = fbpanel-clip HistorySize = 40 SaveFullHistory = false HistoryFile = ~/.config/fbpanel/clip.history } } Plugin { type = space config { size = 5 } } Plugin { type = tray } Plugin { type = space config { size = 5 } } Plugin { type = vbox config { Plugin { type = tclock config { ClockFmt = %T %Z%n%F TooltipFmt = %A, %u day of %V week%n%j day of year, %B%ntimezone offset: %z ShowCalendar = true ShowTooltip = true ZoneNum = 2 TimeZone0 = Europe/Warsaw Locale0 = pl_PL.UTF-8 TimeZone1 = UTC Locale1 = C } } Plugin { type = tclock config { ClockFmt = %F %T%n%s UNIX TooltipFmt = %A, %u day of %V week%n%j day of year, %B%ntimezone offset: %z ShowCalendar = true ShowTooltip = true ZoneNum = 1 TimeZone0 = UTC Locale0 = C } } } }