# lxpanel config file. Manually editing is not recommended. # Use preference dialog in lxpanel to adjust config when you can. Global { edge=bottom allign=left margin=0 widthtype=percent width=90 height=58 transparent=1 tintcolor=#000000 alpha=136 setdocktype=1 setpartialstrut=1 usefontcolor=1 fontcolor=#ffffff usefontsize=1 fontsize=11 background=0 backgroundfile=/usr/share/lxpanel/images/background.png align=center } Plugin { type=menu Config { image=/usr/share/lxpanel/images/my-computer.png system { } separator { } separator { } menu { name=Actions image=fbpanel-actions item { image=fbpanel-halt name=Shutdown action=sudo shutdown -h now } item { image=fbpanel-reboot name=Reboot action=sudo shutdown -r now } separator { } item { image=fbpanel-screen-disable name=Disable Display action=xset dpms force off } item { image=fbpanel-screen-lock name=Lock Display action=slock } item { image=fbpanel-logout name=Logout command=logout } } separator { } item { image=fbpanel-run command=run } item { image=fbpanel-terminal name=xterm action=xterm } } } Plugin { type=space Config { Size=10 } expand=0 } Plugin { type=launchbar Config { Button { id=lxpanel.konqbrowser.desktop } Button { id=org.kde.dolphin.desktop } Button { id=firefox-esr.desktop } Button { id=lxpanel.calculator.desktop } Button { id=lxpanel.kate.desktop } Button { id=org.kde.konsole.desktop } Button { id=lxpanel.pavucontrol.desktop } Button { id=lxpanel.run.desktop } } } Plugin { type=space Config { Size=4 } expand=0 } Plugin { type=tray Config { } } Plugin { type=space Config { Size=8 } expand=0 } Plugin { type=pager Config { } } Plugin { type=space Config { Size=4 } expand=0 } Plugin { type=taskbar expand=1 Config { tooltips=1 IconsOnly=0 AcceptSkipPager=1 ShowIconified=1 ShowMapped=1 ShowAllDesks=0 UseMouseWheel=1 UseUrgencyHint=1 FlatButton=0 MaxTaskWidth=220 spacing=2 GroupedTasks=0 DisableUpscale=0 UseSmallerIcons=-1 SameMonitorOnly=0 } } Plugin { type=space Config { Size=8 } } Plugin { type=monitors Config { DisplayCPU=0 DisplayRAM=1 RAMColor=#FF0000 } } Plugin { type=monitors Config { DisplayCPU=1 DisplayRAM=0 CPUColor=#00FF00 } } Plugin { type=thermal Config { NormalColor=#00ff00 Warning1Color=#fff000 Warning2Color=#ff0000 AutomaticLevels=1 Warning1Temp=65 Warning2Temp=70 AutomaticSensor=1 } } Plugin { type=space Config { Size=4 } expand=0 } Plugin { type=dclock Config { ClockFmt=%T %Z %n%F%n%A / %B TooltipFmt=UTC%z, unix: %s%n%j day of year (%u of %V week) BoldFont=1 IconOnly=0 CenterText=1 } }